Grow in Our Faith
We offer spiritual growth opportunities for all ages.
Brown Bag Bible Study
Wednesday evenings at 6pm in the fellowship hall, we have a book, video, and discussion based Bible study. Brown Bag Bible Study allows folks a chance to fellowship together over supper, pray for our church family, and study the Word of God. Our studies and topics for discussion vary throughout the year.
On March 12th, we’ll begin a new study for the season of Lent: “The Message of Jesus: Words That Changed the World”
In this six-week study, pastor and best-selling author Adam Hamilton explores six of the most important themes in Jesus's teachings, why they matter, and how they speak to us today. The book will explore Jesus’s preaching on the Kingdom of God, the Sermon on the Mount, the parables, the “I am” sayings in John, and more.
Adult Sunday School
Through the study of scripture, our two adult classes are invited into a deepened relationship with God. Our parents’ class looks to devotionals, prayer, and God’s Word for encouragement in tackling the challenges young families face today. Our second adult class uses The Present Word study material as they connect scripture with faith and life.

Youth & Children’s Ministries
PreK - Kindergarten
This class begins to build children’s understanding of faith in Jesus Christ. Kids actively learn together using fun and engaging worship materials, music, videos, games, and crafts.
Elementary (1st - 5th Grade)
Using a Bible-based curriculum, elementary kids are encouraged to discuss their different life situations while learning to apply the gospel of Jesus Christ.
Middle & High School (6th - 12th Grade)
Middle and High schoolers spend time each week studying God’s Word through the use of a short devotional and group discussion around topical issues.
Meeting Times:
Elementary Youth (grades 1st – 5th) – Sundays at 10am for Sunday school and once a month for an All Youth or Family event.
Middle & High School Youth (grades 6th – 12th) – Sundays at 10am for Sunday school and Sundays at 6pm for Bible study, games, fun & food!
Middle School and High School Breakfast Clubs - each group meets one time a month at 7am on a weekday at Panera Bread on University City Blvd in Blacksburg. After breakfast and time spent working through a Bible lesson, Pastor Kerby drives the kids to school. During the 2024-2025 school year, we are working through “Live on Purpose: 100 Devotions for Letting Go of Fear and Following God” by Sadie Robertson Huff, Beth Clark
Our Youth Ministry program seeks to nurture our youth’s faith, love for Jesus Christ, compassion for others, and heart for service through Bible study, fun events, and service opportunities. We strive to help youth develop an understanding of how they fit into the church, the community, and the world. The youth are the future of the church, so it is vital to give them a solid foundational understanding of Jesus Christ and God’s people in the world.
Some of our fun events include an awesome Vacation Bible School, a spooktacular Halloween trunk-or-treat event, a Christmas play and breakfast with Santa, trips to the ballpark, lock-ins, and more. We attend summer camp at Craig Springs Camp and Retreat Center where we study, learn, and meet God on the mountain. We strive to serve others through working at the Roanoke Rescue Mission and through our participation in other service opportunities. We also serve as counselors at Craig Springs’ Nature Camp for at-risk children.
“Don’t let anyone put you down because you’re young. Teach believers with your life: by word, by demeanor, by love, by faith, by integrity.” (1 Timothy 4:12)

Women’s Ministry
Women of all ages are invited to meet the third Tuesday of every month at 10am in the Fellowship Hall for coffee, fellowship, prayer, Bible Study, and spiritual growth. This Christian Women’s Fellowship seeks to build a community of women who love and serve the Lord, and who continue to learn and grow spiritually while encouraging each other and nurturing deep friendships. The current Bible study is an in-depth look at Paul’s letter to the Romans. Please join us and bring a friend!
During our March 18th meeting, our topic will be “Growing Your Faith” from Romans chapters 4 and 5.

Young Adult Ministry
Young Adults (ages 18 to 35) are invited to gather every week for community, friendship, conversation, fun, food, and spiritual growth. Sometimes we gather to play, connect, and build relationships with each other - pickleball or board games anyone? Most recently we have been gathering each week to eat supper, watch an episode of The Chosen, and then discuss the biblical story and its application to our lives. Please join us and bring a friend as we seek to grow together in our relationships with each other, with Jesus, and with our community. During March we are meeting on Thursday evenings.

Building Community
One Meal at a Time
Fellowship Lunches
Once a month, we gather after worship to share lunch and conversation. These lunches help us to grow in friendship and relationship with each other and help us build a community of friends who are welcoming to all and who nurture and help each other in life.
5th Sunday Breakfasts
Each 5th Sunday Breakfast provides an opportunity for folks to gather to share coffee and conversation and build community. Families enjoy biscuits and gravy, pancakes and sausage, and other yummy things all prepared by the men. There is no Sunday school on 5th Sundays so families can linger over breakfast to nurture their friendships. It is during this time of conversation that we hope to encourage and uplift each other and to share stories of what God has been up to lately in our lives. At Blacksburg Christian Church we believe that relationships, friendships, fellowship, and community are things that God loves!
"Therefore encourage one another and build each other up, just as in fact you are doing." (1 Thessalonians 5:11)