We are a family-friendly Disciples of Christ church in Blacksburg, VA
Where We Are:
Blacksburg Christian Church
240 Watson Avenue
Blacksburg, VA, 24060
When We Meet:
9:45am - Coffee & Conversation
10:00am - Sunday School classes for adults, children, middle & high school youth
11:00am - Worship (Nursery is provided for children ages infant - kindergarten)
6:00pm - Middle & High School Youth (6th-12th grades) meets most Sunday evenings with one All Youth (K-12th grade) or Family event per month. Check the monthly newsletter and youth schedule for more information.

What We Believe
We believe...
in one essential tenet—Jesus Christ is our Lord and Savior.
in no creeds other than the Word of God.
in a communion celebration that is open to all.
in baptism by immersion.
that our church should be run by its congregation with strong support from its lay leaders.
Blacksburg Christian Church is a member of the Christian Church in Virginia and the
Christian Church (Disciples of Christ) in the United States and Canada.

Baptism symbolizes…
the death and burial of the old self of the repentant believer, and the joyous birth of a brand new being in Christ.
The meaning of baptism is grounded in God’s grace toward us and God’s redemption of us through Jesus Christ. With other Christians, we affirm that baptism is both a divine gift and a human response. Baptism is a public act giving us the opportunity to proclaim God’s grace.
At Blacksburg Christian Church, we celebrate baptism annually at the New River. Those who wish to be baptized enter into the waters of the New River together. The whole church family gathers on the river bank to witness this sacred and holy moment and to reaffirm their own covenants of baptism.
Those who founded the Disciples movement taught baptism by immersion as the accepted form. However, if you are new to our denomination, we do accept your previous baptism.

Communion is celebrated each time we gather in worship. As part of the body of Christ, we welcome all to the Lord’s table as God has welcomed us. Holy Communion is the central element of worship within the Disciples tradition and our denominational symbol is the chalice. When we celebrate the Lord’s Supper, we remember the night before he died when Jesus gathered with his closest followers to share the bread and cup. Through the power of the Holy Spirit, the living Christ is met and received and the Lord is proclaimed to be the dominant power in our lives.

Our Leadership
John (J.B.) Beane, Senior Minister
Email: blacksburgchristianpastor@gmail.com
J.B. is married to the earthly love of his life, Dannette, and they have 3 amazing children. He grew up in Craig County and attended Roanoke College. He came to Blacksburg Christian Church in April of 2018 when he was called from the corporate world into the ministry. J.B. served as our Youth Minister for over 5 years and then was called to serve as the church’s Senior Minister in January 2024. J.B. has worn many occupational hats and views them all as ministries in their own right because they have equipped him to minister to a variety of different types of people. He has a passion for serving and working with others. When he's not at church, you might find him in the woods or in his boat as he is an avid outdoorsman and "date nights" are often evenings on the pond.
Kayla Zwald, Administrator
Email: blacksburgchristian@gmail.com
Kayla joined the Blacksburg Christian Church team in November 2024. She is originally from Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania but has called the New River Valley home since 2008. She has worked and served in various churches in the area doing marketing, social media, kids’ programs, and various administrative work and has always considered these jobs to be ministries. Kayla has three children of her own and 2 bonus children. Kayla loves the Lord and grew up in the church. She received her degrees in Marketing and in Counseling from Liberty University. She is excited to bring her skills to Blacksburg Christian Church and looks forward to working together with Pastors J.B. and Kerby toward whatever amazing things God has planned for this church.
Kerby Dalton, Youth Minister
Email: blacksburgchristianyouth@gmail.com
Kerby is originally from Mechanicsville, VA. After graduating from Longwood University, she moved to Richmond,VA. Kerby has worked as an elementary school counselor and served as the youth director at a church in Ashland, VA. Kerby is a life-long Disciple. She loves helping the youth lead in our region and going to Craig Springs. Fun fact - her PawPaw was also a Disciples of Christ minister. In her free time, she enjoys reading, camping, and exploring new coffee shops. She feels as though she has always had a heart for ministry, especially to our youth, and accepted the call to serve Blacksburg Christian Church in July 2024.