Upcoming Events

2025 BCC Higher Education Scholarship
Click this event for information about the scholarship and to download the application.

March Grocery Collection for the Interfaith Food Pantry
During March, we are collecting groceries for the Blacksburg Interfaith Food Pantry. Let’s bring in a spring harvest for the food pantry!

Micah's Backpack Program service packing event
We need ten volunteers to pack food at the Micah’s Backpack Program on the evening of Tuesday March 18th. Click this event for more details.

March Bus Trip to Heritage Family Market
Join us for a bus trip to Heritage Family Market for shopping followed by a barbeque lunch on the return trip.

Youth Laser Tag Fun Event
Youth 3rd grade - 12th grade are invited to play Laser Tag on Sunday March 23rd from 6-8pm. Please meet us in Christiansburg.
Click this event for more details.

Spring Clean Up Event
Join us Saturday March 29th starting at 9am for a Spring Clean Up Day at the church. There are inside and outside jobs for all ages. Can you rake? Dust? Organize? Come help out!

5th Sunday Breakfast
Join us for our 5th Sunday Breakfast. Breakfast is provided and the men do the cooking! Click for more details.

Spring Red Cross Community Blood Drive
Please click this event for information on how to make an appointment. The drive will be held in our Fellowship Hall.

Maundy Thursday Simple Supper
Join us for a simple supper at 5:30pm followed by a time of worship at 7pm.
Click this event for more details

Easter Breakfast
Plan to join us for Easter Breakfast at 9:30am on Easter Sunday. After breakfast, plan to stay to celebrate the Resurrection of our Savior!

Graduate Recognition Sunday
Join us for worship Sunday May 18th. We’ll take a moment to recognize each of our Class of 2025 graduates and wish them Godspeed. Click for more details.

Step Right Up Summer Vacation Bible School
Vacation Bible School will be the first week of June. Click this event for more information.
Click this event to register.

Multi-generational Mission Trip to North Carolina
Deadline to register for the mission trip is April 15th!
Click this event for more details on our upcoming multi-generational mission trip to Western NC to help rebuild after Hurricane Helene.

Fried Chicken Fellowship Lunch
Join us for a fried chicken (and baked chicken too) lunch after worship on Sunday March 9th.

Middle & High Youth to Serve at the Roanoke Rescue Mission
Middle and High Youth are invited to join us in prepping and serving supper at the Roanoke Rescue Mission on Sunday February 16th. Click this event for more details.

"Soup"er Bowl Fellowship Lunch
Plan to stay after worship Sunday February 9th for a soup lunch. We’ll have soup, bread & butter, crackers, drinks, and dessert.
Please bring a can of soup for the Interfaith Food Pantry

Railyard Dawgs Hockey Game Family Event
Our February Family activity will be a Railyard Dawgs Hockey game on Friday Feb. 7th. Join the fun! Sign up for your tickets!

February Soup Collection for the Interfaith Food Pantry
During February, we are collecting cans of soup for the Blacksburg Interfaith Food Pantry. Let’s fill their shelves with warm nourishment this winter!

Baked Potato Lunch Fundraiser
Join us for a Baked Potato Lunch Fundraiser. Funds raised support our Youth’s June mission trip. Click this event for more details about the lunch and the mission trip.

Region of Virginia Youth Lock-In
Middle and High School students are invited to a Region of Virginia Youth Lock-in. Click this event for all the details and to register.

January Bus Trip to Floyd Country Store
Join us Thursday January 16th for a trip to the Floyd Country Store and the Bread Basket Bakery! Click this event for more details.

January Collection for the Women's Resource Center
During January, we are collecting paper products and cleaning supplies for the Women’s Resource Center of the New River Valley. Click for more details.

Christmas Eve Worship
Join us for Christmas Eve Candlelight worship Tuesday December 24th at 6pm.

Christmas Caroling
Meet at the church at 6pm. All Youth invited. Elementary Youth please bring a parent. Families and anyone interested is invited! We’ll sing at Heritage Hall and Kroontje visiting folks from our church family.

Children's Christmas Play
The children will present their Christmas play “A Very Mixed Up Christmas Pageant” Sunday December 22nd during 11am worship. Join us!

Christmas Breakfast with Santa
Join us at 9:30am in the Fellowship Hall on Sunday December 22nd for Christmas Breakfast. All the food will be provided. There will also be a special visitor from the North Pole with gifts for the children! Don’t miss it!

Friends and Family Christmas Scavenger Hunt
Wear your Christmas PJ’s. Let’s pile into cars together and drive around town looking for the Christmas items on our list! First ones back to the church win a prize!

December Bus Trip to Hotel Roanoke
We are headed to the Hotel Roanoke for our December bus trip. Join us to see all the decorated Christmas trees! Click this event for more information!

Blue Christmas Service of Comfort
This worship experience is for anyone who needs a space to honor their feelings of grief or loneliness without the pressure to feel merry at Christmas. Click this event for more details.

Parents' Night Out
We’re hosting a Parent’s Night Out Sunday December 8th. Parents - we’ll take care of your little ones so you can have a date night, or do some Christmas shopping, or take a nap! Click for more information and to register your children.

Congregational Meeting
Plan to stay after worship Sunday December 8th for a brief Congregational Meeting to discuss and vote upon the 2025 proposed church budget and the proposed slate of nominated church leaders for 2025.

Hanging of the Greens
Join us Sunday evening to decorate the church for Advent and Christmas. We’ll have fun together while we work! Click this event for more details.

November Bus Trip Walker Valley Market
We’re heading to the Walker Valley Market for a little shopping and lunch before heading back to the church. Click this event for more details and to sign up.

All Youth Shoebox Packing Party
It’s time to pack our Samaritan’s Purse Operation Christmas Child shoeboxes with all the items the church family donated. Let’s pack, and label the boxes and get them ready for delivery! All youth K - 12th grade invited.

Annual Thanksgiving Fellowship Feast
Join the whole church family for a traditional Thanksgiving Feast! Click this event for more details.

Middle & High Movie Night at Regal Cinema
Middle & High Schoolers - join Kerby Sunday November 10th at 4pm at the Regal Cinema in Christiansburg to watch “The Best Christmas Pageant Ever”. Click this event for more details.

All Saints Sunday
Please join us at 11am this All Saints Sunday November 3rd. We’ll take time during worship to remember those whom we have loved and lost.

Trunk or Treat
It’s our 4th Annual Trunk or Treat! Prizes for best cars! Trunks full of treats for kids of all ages. Kids and grown-ups wear your costumes! Firepits and s’mores too!
Click the event for more details

October Bus Trip to Southwestern Virginia Artisan Center
We’re headed to Abingdon to the Southwest Virginia Artisan Center. After our visit, we'll go out to lunch and then head back to the church.
Click this event for details and to sign up

Fall Red Cross Community Blood Drive
Please click this event for information on how to make an appointment. The drive will be held in our Fellowship Hall.

Old-Fashioned Potluck Lunch
Plan to stay after worship Sunday October 13th for a potluck lunch and to show our pastors some encouragement and support for Pastor Appreciation Sunday.

Middle & High Youth trip to MercyMe Concert
Middle & High Youth are invited to see MercyMe in concert at the Berglund Center in Roanoke in October. You must register for tickets by August 1st. Click this event for details and to register.